Beads Color meaning: What Your Jewelry Says About You


Did you know that the colors of your beads say a lot about you? Each color has its own unique meaning and can be used to communicate specific messages.

This blog post will discuss the spiritual meanings of different beads colors or beads color meaning. If you are looking to add some new beads to your collection, or if you are just curious about what your current beads mean, then read it!

beads color meaning

Different Type Beads and their meaning

There’s more to beads than just their pretty colors. Beads can also be imbued with special meaning, used as a talisman, or even employed in spells and rituals. Different colors of beads can represent different things, so it’s important to choose your beads carefully if you want to send a specific message.

Black Beads meaning

Black Beads meaning

Black beads can have a variety of meanings depending on the culture. In some cultures, black beads are worn as a way to ward off evil spirits.

In others, black beads are seen as a symbol of strength and power. Black beads can also be used to represent mourning or grief.

Blue Beads Meaning

Blue Beads Meaning

Blue beads are often associated with serenity, wisdom, and peace. They are believed to promote self-expression and creativity and are said to have a calming effect on the wearer.

Blue beads can also symbolize trust, loyalty, and friendship.

Red Beads Meaning

Red beads Meaning

The meaning of red beads can vary depending on the culture. In some cultures, red beads are a symbol of good luck. In others, they may represent power and strength.

No matter what the meaning is, red beads are always associated with positive attributes. If you’re looking for a gift that will bring good luck to the recipient, red beads are a great option.

White Beads Meaning

White Beads Meaning

White is often seen as a symbol of purity, innocence, and cleanliness. White is also associated with goodness, new beginnings, and fresh starts in many cultures. All of these connotations make white an ideal color for beads. White beads can be used to create jewelry and other crafts that represent any or all of these concepts.

White beads can also be used to make rosaries. A rosary is a string of beads that is used as a devotional tool in Christianity. The beads are used to keep track of how many times prayer is said.

There are usually five decades, or groups of ten beads, on a rosary. Each decade is dedicated to a different mystery of the rosary. The white beads on a rosary represent the purity of Jesus Christ.

Green beads meaning

Green beads meaning

Beads can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, metal, wood, and stone. They are often strung together to create jewelry or other decorative items. Beads are also used in many religious and spiritual practices.

The color green is associated with nature, fertility, and growth. Green beads may represent these things or may simply be a favorite color. Some people believe that green beads can also bring good luck.

Purple beads meaning

Purple beads meaning

Purple is a color that is often associated with royalty, luxury, and mystery. It can also represent femininity, dignity, and success. Purple beads are often used in jewelry and other decorative items because of their beautiful hue.

Many people believe that purple has magical properties and can help to promote peace, love, and calmness. Purple is also the color of mourning in some cultures.

Brown beads meaning

Brown beads meaning

Brown beads are often associated with earth and nature. They can represent grounding, stability, and support. Brown beads can also symbolize harvest time and abundance.

In some cultures, brown is the color of protection and healing. Brown beads can offer comfort and reassurance.

Yellow Beads Meaning

Yellow Beads Meaning

The meaning of yellow beads can vary depending on the culture or tradition. In some cases, they may be seen as a symbol of good luck, while in others, they may be associated with happiness or wealth.

Yellow beads may also be used as a way to ward off evil spirits. Whatever the meaning, yellow beads are often considered to be lucky and are popular in many different cultures.

Coral Beads Meaning

Coral Beads Meaning

In some cultures, coral is thought to be a good luck charm. It is also said to bring peace and calm to those who wear it. Coral is also associated with fertility and new beginnings. In some cultures, coral is seen as a symbol of strength and courage.

Coral beads can be made into a variety of jewelry, such as necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. They are often given as gifts to loved ones. coral beads are also used in many ceremonies and rituals.

The spiritual meaning of coral beads is said to be calming and soothing. It is also said to promote peace, love, and harmony. coral is also said to be a powerful protector against negative energy.

Ivory beads meaning

Ivory beads meaning

Ivory beads have a long history and deep meaning. For many people, they represent purity, innocence, and beauty. They are also often seen as a symbol of luxury and wealth.

Ivory beads can be made from a variety of materials, including bone, teeth, and tusks. In some cultures, ivory is thought to have magical or spiritual properties. It is often used in rituals and ceremonies and is believed to protect against evil spirits.

orange beads meaning

orange beads meaning

Orange beads can be used for a variety of purposes, from decoration to prayer. In many cultures, orange is seen as a symbol of good luck and fortune. It is also associated with vitality, energy, and strength.

Orange beads can also have a spiritual meaning. In some traditions, orange is seen as a sacred color, representing the sun, fire, and heat. It is also associated with courage, passion, and creativity. orange beads can be used as a reminder to stay positive and focused on your goals, no matter what challenges you face.

lava beads meaning

lava beads meaning

Lava beads have been used for centuries as a way to connect with the earth’s energy. The beads are made from cooled lava, which is said to represent strength, courage, and fertility.

The beads are often used in jewelry or as part of a healing ritual. lava beads are thought to be helpful in easing anxiety and promoting relaxation. The beads can also be used as a reminder to stay grounded during times of stress.

Spiritual beads color meaning

Beads are available in various colors. Almost all colors have their unique meaning, and among these ads, blue beads mean red and green. If you follow Feng shui, you will understand this color better.

All spiritual bracelets have woven bracelets used to meditate or pray and are commonly used to pray. It strengthens my faith in the spirit and spirituality. When yoga and meditation are performed, monks often use spiritual beads. It may seem like the individual is trying to focus on their higher self.

Spiritual Beads For Protection

There are a variety of beads that can be used for protection against negative energy, both spiritually and physically. Some of the most popular beads for protection are:

Hematite beads

Hematite beads: these beads are known for their ability to ground and protect the wearer. They are said to absorb negative energy and help to deflect it away from the body.

Black tourmaline beads

Black tourmaline beads: these beads are also known for their ability to absorb and deflect negative energy. They are said to be especially effective against negative energy that is directed towards the wearer.

Obsidian beads

Obsidian beads: These beads are said to be helpful in grounding and protecting the wearer from negative energy. They are also said to help block out negative influences and help the wearer to stay focused and centered.

Turquoise beads

Turquoise beads: These beads are said to be helpful in promoting healing and protection. They are also said to be helpful in absorbing negative energy and helping to deflect it away from the body.

Amethyst beads

Amethyst beads: These beads are said to be helpful in promoting peace and calm. They are also said to be helpful in absorbing negative energy and helping to deflect it away from the body.

Which beads you choose to use for protection is ultimately up to you. There is no wrong answer, as each person is different and will respond to different beads in different ways. Trust your intuition and choose the beads that you feel drawn to. Experiment and see what works best for you.

Different Type Beads And There
Color Meanings

1.Waist Beads Color Meaning

Waist beads have been worn by women for centuries, often as a sign of femininity, fertility, or sexual availability. In some cultures, waist beads are also used as a form of currency. Today, waist beads are seen as a fashion accessory and are available in various colors and styles.

Waist Beads

While the meaning of waist beads varies from culture to culture, there are some common interpretations of the colors.

Red waist beads meaning:-Red waist beads are often associated with fertility and sexuality. They are thought to promote good health and protect against evil spirits.

Green waist beads:-Green waist beads are said to bring good luck and fortune. They are also associated with nature and fertility.

Yellow waist beads:-Yellow waist beads represent happiness, joy, and optimism. They are also thought to bring good luck.

Blue waist beads:-Blue waist beads are said to represent peace, tranquility, and calmness. They are also associated with wisdom and knowledge.

Purple waist beads:-Purple waist beads are often associated with royalty and wealth. They are also said to represent power and mystery.

White waist beads:-White waist beads represent purity, innocence, and chastity.

No matter what your personal style is, there is a waist bead color that will suit you. If you’re looking for a waist bead with a specific meaning, do your research to find the right color.

2. African waist beads color meaning

Waist beads are a must-have accessory for many African women. They are not only beautiful and stylish, but they also have a deep cultural and spiritual meaning.

African waist beads

For centuries, waist beads have been worn by African women of all ages as a sign of femininity, fertility, and sensuality. In some cultures, waist beads are also believed to protect against evil spirits.

Today, waist beads are still very popular in Africa, and they are often worn as a fashion statement or as a way to express one’s cultural heritage. However, there is no single meaning or symbolism associated with waist beads. Each woman who wears them may have her own personal reasons for doing so.

Ghanaian beads represent to the world the beauty, culture, and history of the African continent. The beads come in many colors, each with its own meaning.

3. Chakra beads color meaning

Chakra beads are often used in meditation and energy work. There are seven main chakras, each associated with a different color. Here is a brief explanation of the meaning of each color:

Chakra beads

Red: The red chakra beads represent the root chakra, which is associated with survival and security. Red beads can be used to help ground and stabilize the energy in the body.


Orange: The orange chakra beads represent the sacral chakra, which is associated with creativity and sexuality. Orange beads can be used to help increase passion and vitality.

Yellow: The yellow chakra beads represent the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power and self-esteem. Yellow beads can be used to help increase confidence and self-awareness.

Green: The green chakra beads represent the heart chakra, which is associated with love and compassion. Green beads can be used to help open the heart and promote healing.

Blue: The blue chakra beads represent the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and expression. Blue beads can be used to help improve communication and promote truthfulness.

Indigo: The indigo chakra beads represent the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition and wisdom. Indigo beads can be used to help enhance psychic ability and open the mind to new possibilities.

Violet: The violet chakra beads represent the crown chakra, which is associated with spirituality and enlightenment. Violet beads can be used to help connect with higher realms of consciousness and promote spiritual growth.

Chakra beads can be worn as bracelets or necklaces or used in meditation. Each color of bead has a specific meaning and purpose. When choosing beads for your own use, it is important to select the colors that resonate with you and your needs.

4. Santeria beads color meaning

Orisha beads are an important part of the Santeria religion. They are used to represent the various saints and deities in the religion and are often used in ceremonies and rituals.

Santeria beads

The beads can be made of different materials, including wood, bone, shell, and stone, and each type of bead has its own specific meaning.

Wood beads represent strength and stability and are often worn by those who are seeking protection.

Bone beads represent purity and innocence and are often used in new beginnings or cleansing rituals.

Shell beads represent the elements of water and fertility and are often used in rituals involving birth or new life.

Stone beads represent the earth and its grounding properties and are often used in healing rituals.

Santeria beads are often strung together in specific patterns that represent the different saints and deities. The beads can also be used to create talismans and amulets that are believed to have power over the natural and spiritual worlds.

5.Red and black Santeria beads meaning

Most beads have a specific meaning or purpose within the Santeria religion. Red beads are often used to represent love, passion, and energy. Black beads are often used to represent wisdom, knowledge, and protection. There are many other colors of beads with different meanings as well.

Red and black Santeria

Santeria beads are used in a variety of ways, including in necklaces, bracelets, and other forms of jewelry. They may also be used in spells and rituals. Ultimately, it is up to the individual practitioner to decide what beads they will use and what those beads will represent.

6.Yoruba beads color meaning

Different colors of beads have different meanings in Yoruba culture. For example, red beads are associated with power and strength, while white beads are associated with purity and peace.

Yoruba beads

Beads can also be used to represent different aspects of the wearer’s personality, such as their profession or status in the community.

7. Kotamu wax beads color meaning

Kotamu beads are made of wax and are used as a form of currency in many parts of Africa. They come in different sizes and colors, and each has a different value. Kotamu beads are often used to make jewelry or other decorative items.

The name “kotamu” comes from the Swahili word for “bead.” Kotamu beads are made of wax, which is a natural material that is easy to find in many parts of Africa. The beads are often made from the wax of the honeybee, which is why they are sometimes called “honey beads.”

Kotamu beads come in many different colors, each of which has a different meaning. For example, white beads are often associated with peace, while red beads may represent power or courage. Blue beads are often seen as a symbol of wisdom, and green beads are associated with fertility. Yellow beads may represent sunlight or happiness, while black beads are often associated with death or mourning.

Mala beads meaning by color

There are many different ways to use mala beads, but one of the most popular is to choose beads based on their color. Each color of mala bead has its own specific meaning, which can help you focus on a particular intention or goal during your meditation practice.

Some of the most common colors and their meanings are:

Black mala beads

For centuries, people in China have believed in the spiritual laws of yin and yang. These opposing yet complementary forces are what create balance in the universe. The color black is a symbol of protection and success in Feng Shui.

It is believed to protect its owner from negative thoughts and evil, release mental stress, and motivate you to succeed. The black mala bead is also said to represent grounding strength and increase your perception of potential and possibility.

This powerful, empowering, strong, and dynamic color is used often in Feng Shui accessories. If you’re looking for a mala bead that will help you achieve success in all areas of your life, the black mala is a perfect choice.

Brown mala beads

Brown is the color of the earth element, symbolizing mother nature’s love for heaven and earth and the natural environment.

If you are a person of the Water element, it will be very suitable for brown color. Because Fate Water matches with Fate Wood . The soil will be very suitable for water.

The brown and wooden beads enhance the perception of spirituality. It can promote awakening and spiritual awareness. You become more dedicated to your faith and provide mental stability.

It can inspire self-confidence and improve relationships with friends and family. It can help you forgive and release anger.

Brown mala beads can also be used for healing, as the color brown is associated with the root chakra.

Red mala beads

Red is the color of fire and symbolizes power, energy, passion, desire, and love. It also represents courage, strength, and success. The red mala bead can help to increase motivation and confidence. It can also bring good luck and fortune.

The red mala bead is associated with the root chakra, which is the chakra of security, safety, and survival. When this chakra is in balance, you feel grounded and stable. You have a strong sense of self-worth and are able to weather any storm.

If you are seeking a mala bead that will help you tap into your inner strength and power, the red mala is a perfect choice.

Green mala beads

Green is the color of nature and symbolizes growth, fertility, and abundance. It is also associated with balance, harmony, and peace. The green mala bead can help to promote healing and detoxification. It can also bring freshness and new beginnings.

The green mala bead is associated with the heart chakra, which is the chakra of love, compassion, and forgiveness. When this chakra is in balance, you feel open and loving. You are able to give and receive love easily.

If you are seeking a mala bead that will help you connect with your heart center, the green mala is a perfect choice.

Yellow mala beads

Yellow is the color of the sun and symbolizes illumination, wisdom, and clarity. It is also associated with joy, happiness, and creativity. The yellow mala bead can help to promote mental clarity and focus. It can also bring optimism and a sunny disposition.

The yellow mala bead is associated with the solar plexus chakra, which is the chakra of personal power. When this chakra is in balance, you feel confident and in control. You are able to set boundaries and stand up for yourself.

If you are seeking a mala bead that will help you tap into your personal power, the yellow mala is a perfect choice.

Orange mala beads

Orange is the color of joy and symbolizes enthusiasm, happiness, and success. It is also associated with creativity, balance, and harmony. The orange mala bead can help to promote mental clarity and focus. It can also bring optimism and a sunny disposition.

The orange mala bead is associated with the sacral chakra, which is the chakra of pleasure and creativity. When this chakra is in balance, you feel sexually confident and creative. You are able to enjoy your body and express your sexuality freely.

If you are seeking a mala bead that will help you tap into your creative energy, the orange mala is a perfect choice.

Blue mala beads

Blue is the color of the sky and symbolizes peace, harmony, and tranquility. It is also associated with truth, wisdom, and patience. The blue mala bead can help to promote mental clarity and focus. It can also bring calmness and serenity.

The blue mala bead is associated with the throat chakra, which is the chakra of communication and self-expression. When this chakra is in balance, you feel confident and able to express yourself clearly. You are able to speak your truth and be heard.

If you are seeking a mala bead that will help you communicate more effectively, the blue mala is a perfect choice.

Purple mala beads

Purple is the color of royalty and symbolizes wealth, prosperity, and success. It is also associated with wisdom, spirituality, and imagination. The purple mala bead can help to promote mental clarity and focus. It can also bring good luck and fortune.

The purple mala bead is associated with the third eye chakra, which is the chakra of intuition and insight. When this chakra is in balance, you feel intuitive and connected to your higher self. You are able to see things clearly and make wise decisions.

If you are seeking a mala bead that will help you tap into your intuition, the purple mala is a perfect choice.

White mala beads

White is the color of purity and symbolizes protection, cleansing, and new beginnings. It is also associated with truth, peace, and innocence. The white mala bead can help to promote mental clarity and focus. It can also bring calmness and serenity.

The white mala bead is associated with the crown chakra, which is the chakra of spiritual connection and enlightenment. When this chakra is in balance, you feel connected to your higher self and the Divine. You are able to access your intuition and inner wisdom.

If you are seeking a mala bead that will help you connect with your higher self, the white mala is a perfect choice.

last word

There are many different colors of mala beads to choose from, each with its own specific meaning. When selecting mala beads for your meditation practice, consider what intention or goal you wish to focus on. The right color of mala bead can help to promote mental clarity and focus while also supporting you in achieving your desired outcome.

About Angel Faruqe

Angelmeaning is your source for number meanings, numerology and more. We also provide a personal numerology reading which will help you learn about yourself and your potential.

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